What I Can Do For you


What I do…

The following list enumerates the most common types of material I work with:

  • Academic journals (reference checks included)

  • Creative nonfiction/personal essay

  • Short/medium-length eBooks

  • Religion (or religion related)

  • Blog content/content marketing

I work with…

Style Guides
I am experienced with Chicago Manual of Style, AP Style, and AMA style. I can also work with any preferences you may have.

Microsoft Word and Pages are the two most common file types I work with. I use the “Track Changes” function on ALL work performed so you can see exactly what changes I’ve made to your documents. Merriam-Webster dictionary is my reference of choice when it comes to spelling.

Though I prefer working with Word, I will also work in Adobe Acrobat (or on hard copy!) for work that requires less extensive changes.

Google documents are least preferred, but doable.



This service provides general checks for consistency and spelling errors/punctuation gone astray. Can also include checking for formatting inconsistency and fact checking. This service is employed after it has been edited and all but finalized.

Line Editing

If editing occupied two sides of a coin, line editing would be considered the more “emotional” side. With this service, I address things like tone, loose dialogue, and redundant phrasing; when I notice paragraphs that don’t read well or may be better located elsewhere in the text, I’ll flag them.

In short, line editing is a check of word usage and sentence structures and how they, as a whole, build and break down your work. This service is more often used with creative writing but can be just as important with other types of content!


This is the “technical” and “rules-based” side of the editing coin. This stage is more akin to an “advanced proofreading” stage, if you will. I take a deep dive into the spelling, grammar, and punctuation of your work, sentence by sentence, and ensure consistency to style guides or internal consistency (do you hyphenate cost effective or not?)

This stage is where the bulk of the work is done. Read more here…