Get your writing ready to publish


Congratulations! You’ve done the hard work of writing that short e-book guide or journal article. But here you are at a crossroads: you’re eager to publish your work, but you wonder if it needs a little extra love first. What do you do?

Publishing isn’t difficult these days, but it’s easy to spend hours of your time trying to perfect your content on your own. Stop.

You don’t have to spend those hours editing your own work. That’s what I do so you can spend your time writing or networking—whatever it is you do best.

If you’ve ever wondered if the comma goes inside or outside the quotation mark, or whether “insure” or “ensure” was the correct word, you’re not alone.

Consider the time you could free up if you relinquished those concerns to someone else. I have a proposal: you focus on writing, sans worry about the nitty gritty of grammar and sentence structure, and I’ll ensure your work is spotless and ready to go.


What I Do

Writing is hard. Editing is hard. Trying to do both yourself is even harder.

That’s why I’m here to take the editing tasks off your plate so you can focus on writing.

It’s important to keep in mind that every project has unique needs and not all editing requires the same investment. I’ve provided a quick rundown of the types of editing I perform so you can have a better idea of what services you require.

When it comes to project type, I like variety. I’ve noted which genres and materials I tend to work with, but if you’re not sure your project matches any one category, we can talk!

See if we are a good match »

What I’m Writing

Do you have questions about the publishing process? Are you interested in the goings on of the publishing world? Are you curious about aspects of the editing and writing process?

My goal for this space is to educate and enlighten both you and myself.

I’m constantly learning and improving as an editor and entrepreneur, and if you’re anything like me, you are learning and evolving too. So, I invite you join me as I document the journey.

Read My Blog »


Whatever in a work of art is not used, is doing harm.

— C. S. Lewis


Making you look great

It’s my highest priority to ensure that any project we work on together is of top-notch quality. Check out these client testimonials to see what other clients think of the work we accomplished together.